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FDS Bond
Custom Bond
Baggage Rules

(To be drafted on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100 & signatures of the signatory to be attested by bank)



(For factory/house destuffing)








Vessel / Voy NO.

Bill of Lading No.

Container Nos.



Whereas for the purpose of destuffing the cargo we the importer/consignee

M/s…………………………………….. Wish to remove the above mentioned

Container/s from Inland container Depot/Nominated area/Port premises to our factory/warehouse at………………………………………..

…………………………….., we as receivers /Consignees are executing this indemnity bond in favor of MSC AGENCY (INDIA) PVT LTD to ensure safe return of the containers.


Now therefore in consideration of your allowing us to take container out for destuffing at our site, and also in consideration of your having executed a

Bond with the Customs vide Bond No………………………………………………..

we as importers/ consignee or their agents hereby agree and undertake ourselves and our successors and assignees, to  indemnify you against  all claims, losses, demands and costs of any nature that may be made by you,

in any capacity whatsoever.  We hereby agree and confirm to abide by the

following terms and conditions:


  1. We, the importer/consignee and/or clearing agent / contractors /  transporters and/or their employees or servants shall take all responsibilities and care to ensure that the container/s are kept safe, in sound and usable condition by all whose acts of omission and commission, the importer/consignee and his agent / contractor / transporter, above named are solely liable.


  1. We the importer/consignee and/or clearing agent / contractors / transporters and/or their employees or servants undertake to indemnify the carrier and/or their agents above named against all damages / loses / liability/ third party liability cost or expenditure suffered or incurred by the movement of container while in possession of the importer, including injury or death of person or loss or damage to property or other

           person in the process of such movement and destuffing operation.


  1. We shall return the container in good/sound condition. For this purpose survey conducted by your authorized surveyor and their reports and findings and their fees thereof shall be binding on us. For any kind of damages caused to the containers while in our possession due to any willful act, negligence by us/our appointed agency or by any third party, other than natural wear and tear, the Repair Cost estimate or the Debit given by you in case of total loss, will be accepted as final and binding on us and paid and reimbursed by us instantly.


  1. The importer/consignee and/or clearing agent / contractors / transporters and/or their employees or servants  indemnify the carrier or the agent for any claim by you/Shipping Line and/or Customs to the extent of

           Rs 275,000 (Rupees Two Lakh Seventy five thousand only) per Twenty

           feet container and  Rs 5,00,000 (Rupees five lakh only per Forty feet



  1. The importer shall be liable for container detention after the five free days from the day the laden import container arrived at the Inland Container Depot/Nominated area/ Port premises  till the day the empty container/s returned back  to Inland container deport/nominated area/empty storage

           yard after factory destuffing, as per the below tariff.


           Normal DRY VAN Containers.


    • USD 8.50/20’ & USD 17.00/40’   PER DAY FOR FIRST SEVEN DAYS.
    • USD 13.50/20’ & USD 27.00/40’ PER DAY FOR NEXT SEVEN DAYS.
    • USD 17.50/20’ & USD 35.00/40’ PER DAY FOR NEXT SEVEN DAYS.
    • USD 48.00/20’ & USD 96.00/40’ PER DAY FOR THEREAFTER


  1. The Importer/Consignee agrees to return the container in good order and condition at the storage yard designated by MSC AGENCY (INDIA) PVT LTD within a period of five days. The importer is liable to pay detention as per abovementioned slab and in case of any delay, then  till the  date the container/s are returned to inland container depot/nominated area/empty storage yard.


  1. For any charges becoming due to you on account of damage to containers, loss, third party liability or detention on container, we authorize you to debit our account and adjust against any security amount or any other amount lying with you in any other capacity or impose lien over any cargo or material in your possession belonging to us till such time the amount due to you is realized completely.


   8.     The importer/Consignee undertake to produce the Original Triplicate copy

           of the Bill of Entry duly endorsed by the Gate office at the Inland Depot/

           Nominated area/Empty storage yard. Within 7 days from the date of return

           Of the container/s along with survey reports.


9.        The importer/consignee hereby confirm that the import cargo does not  

        Contain any contraband and articles in terms of Indian Customs

        Regulations and that the shippers have not tampered with the cargo for

        the purpose of concealment of any contraband cargo and would be

        responsible for all costs and consequences for the same.


10. To the extent of the Undertaking and declarations herein and to the extent of the loss and/or damage caused arising out of breach thereof or any consequential or indirect losses/damages caused in respect or furtherance thereof and to the extent of any claims, litigations, damages, expenses and costs as suffered or may be suffered by the carrier/agents by way of non compliance of any of the undertakings covenants herein or generally any other acts/care/cautions as should have been done and have not been done or cautions as should we been observed and has not been observed or arising out of any of our act or failure to act as a prudent person would do we, subject to the monetary limitation herein agree to indemnify and keep the carrier/agent indemnified.


11. Disputes, if any, will be subject to jurisdiction of courts having territorial jurisdiction over your principal working office.



(Name of person signing with designation

Name of firm, address)


DATED:         _____________________

PLACE:          _____________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ________________________

                                                                                                                                   (Signature attestation by bank)

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