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FDS Bond
Custom Bond
Baggage Rules




Whereas for the purpose of removal of containers out of Delhi, Inland Container Depot, you as agent of……………………, required to execute an Indemnity Bond in favor of the Delhi Customs to ensure return of the container to ICD, New Delhi . Now/Therefore in consideration of your executing the necessary bond aforesaid to enable us to move the container out of Delhi, Inland Container Depot, area for the de-stuffing the same.

We, M/s _______________________________________________________________, for ourselves and our successors assigns to indemnify and keep you and/or your successors and assigns to indemnify against all claims, losses, demands, damages and costs of nature whatsoever that may be made by you or by anybody in any capacity or sustained or incurred by you, in consequence of your having executed by the following terms and conditions:-

  1.                  The shipper consignee and / or their clearing agent / transporters and / or their employees and servants shall take all responsible care to ensure that the containers are kept in a suitable and useable condition for all of who ……………………………………. The shipper / consignee is solely liable.

  2.                  The shipper / consignee agree to indemnify the carrier and / or the agents (above named) against any or all losses, damages, liability cost of the expenses suffered or incurred by the movement of the movement of container while in the possession of the shipper / consignee arising out of or while connected with injury / or death of persons of loss or damages to property of the other persons in the course of such movement and stuffing operations.

3.                  The shipper / consignee shall return the container(s) in as sound condition as earlier delivered and or failure to so will be liable for cost and for this purpose survey company in New Delhi is agreed.

  4.                  The shipper / consignee are liable to indemnify the agents for claim by the customs to the extent of Rs. 2,65,000/- (Rupees Two Lacs Sixty Five Thousands Only) per 20` container and Rs. 5,30,000/- (Rupees Five Lacs Thirty Thousands Only) per 40` container.

  5.                  The guarantee under present shall be effective from _____________________ in the shipper / consignee or their representative till the container(s) is returned to the Inland Container Depot area and delivered against agent’s clear receipt and discharges.

  6.                  The shipper/consignee agrees to return the container in good order and condition to the Delhi within a period of three days. It will be our responsibility to position this container back to ICD complex if the container is not received by the carrier within the period allowed, we will be liable for demurrage as follows:-

20`                                                       40`

NEXT 7 DAYS                       :                       US$ 08.50 Per Day Per TEU               Double

NEXT 7 DAYS                       :                       US$ 13.50 Per Day Per TEU               Double

NEXT 7 DAYS                       :                       US$ 17.50 Per Day Per TEU               Double

For Every Day Thereafter         :                       US$ 48.00 Per Day Per TEU               Double

Given at New Delhi , this delivered by

M/s ________________________________, who is duly mentioned to execute this bond.


For M/s ___________________


Authorized Signatory

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