Our Services
Import Customs Clearance |
Import Customs Clearance - Customs Clearance of Capital Goods, Components, Spare parts, Raw Materials for all types of Industries.
- Custom Clearance of Second hand / Recondition Machinery and Refurbishing Parts.
- Customs Clearance under various types of Import Licenses like EPCG Licence, Advance Licence, Restricted Goods Licence, DEPB Licence etc.
- Customs Clearance for Export Oriented Units.
- Customs Clearance for Software Technology Parks Units.
- Customs Clearance for Special Economic Zone (SEZ) units.
- Customs Clearance of Re-imported Goods
Export Custom Clearance |
- Custom Clearance of Duty Free Goods.
- Custom Clearance of Goods under Drawback Scheme.
- Custom Clearance under various licenses like EPCG Scheme, Advance Licence etc.
- Re-Export.
Warehousing of Goods |
Debonding the goods from Public/Private Warehouse |
- Processing Ex-Bond Bill of Entry in Bond Section.
- Re-Examination in Bonded Warehouse.
- Release of goods from Bonded Warehouse either for Home consumption or for sale or for Exports from a Bonded Warehouse.
Special Economic Zone Units |
All the services required by a SEZ Unit under one window which include:
- Arranging Letter of Approval.
- Arranging execution and acceptance of Bond-cum-Legal Undertaking from the office of Customs and Development Commissioner.
- Arranging clearance of Imported Goods from SEZ Custom.
- Clearance of Goods from the Port, Airport, Inland Container Depots.
- Re-examination of Goods by SEZ Customs at SEZ Gate and Rewarehousing.
- Arranging clearance of Indigenously Procured goods from SEZ Customs.
- Arranging clearance from SEZ Custom for goods procured from warehouse, EOU’s, STP units, BTP units, SEZ units.
- Maintenance of Statutory Register and
Any other approval from the office of Development Commissioner or Director STPI.
100% Export Oriented Units |
All the services required by an Export Oriented unit under one window which include:
- Arranging Letter of Permission.
- Arranging Green Card.
- Arranging execution and acceptance of Legal Undertaking.
- Arranging attestation of Floor Plans.
- Arranging Permission for re-export.
- Arranging enhancements in CG limits.
- Arranging approval of Additional locations/Extension of existing location.
- Arranging permissions for DTA Sale.
- Arranging renewal/extension of Letter of Permission.
- Arranging Debonding of EOU units.
- Arranging Customs Clearance from all ports and
Any other permission from the Office of Development Commissioner, NSEZ, Noida
Consultancy |
We provide consultancy to Importers & Exporters on various Policies, Procedures & Legal provisions of various laws, connected with Foreign Trade & Customs Clearance as given below:
- Customs Act 1962
- Customs Tariff Act 1975
- Central Excise Act 1944
- Central Excise Tariff Act 1985
- Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules 1989
- Ozone Depleting Substance (Regulation & Control) Rules 2000
- Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules 2006
and many other acts and regulations.
Implants |
We provide personnel for working in STP/SEZ units on our roll. These personnel are trained in various procedures for Customs & Central Excise for STP/SEZ Units. |
Freight Forwarding |
Pickup, warehousing, consolidation, Export Clearance & Air freighting of Cargo from Far East Countries at most economic rate and in least time. We are registered MULTIMODAL TRANSPORT OPERATOR. |
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